
First settlements in Soča valley were built already in the bronze age which shows its rich history. Through this places was walking Napoleon Bonaparte, who built many bridges, standing to this day. You can see many of them in Soča valley. Here was one of the most important battles in first world war, called »The mirracle of Kobarid«.
On this many historical moments and facts remind us diferent historical sights, like Kobarid museum (it represents Kobarid history and vicinity, especially about first world war), Italian charnel house (there is burried seven thousand Italian soldiers) memorial church of the Holy Spirit on Jovorca (dedicated to fallen Austro-Hungarian soldiers on Soča front), many military cemeteries and many outdoor museums with shooting trenches, like Kolovrat. Kobariški Muzej (predstavlja zgodovino Kobarida in okolice, predvsem v 1. svetovni vojni), Italijanska kostnica (kjer so pokopani padli Italijanski vojaki na Soški fronti), Javorca, spominska cerkev Svetega duha (posvečena padlim avstro-ogrskim vojakom na Soški fronti), številna vojaška pokopališča in veliko število urejenih muzejev na prostem s strelskimi jarki, kot na primer Kolovrat.
You can go on Museum train, which is pulled with steam engine, and jump in year 1906.